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Tham Nam None Cave

Tham Nam None, Khammouane

Tham Nam None Cave

Nestled within the heart of Khammouane Province lies a hidden gem that beckons to adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike – the Tham Nam None Cave. This subterranean marvel offers a journey into a world that has been shaped over millions of years, inviting visitors to explore its stunning formations, underground river, and awe-inspiring chambers.

Tham Nam None Cave is a part of the limestone karst landscape that characterizes much of Khammouane Province. Limestone karsts are unique geological formations that result from the dissolution of limestone by acidic water over extensive periods. This process leads to the creation of intricate cave systems, underground rivers, and stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations.

Tham Nam None, Thakhek Loop

The cave remained concealed from mainstream exploration until relatively recent times. Local villagers had long been aware of its presence, but it wasn’t until explorers and researchers started venturing into the region that Tham Nam None Cave’s true magnificence was unveiled.  Believed to be at least 15km long, Tham Nam None Cave has still not yet been fully mapped and is suspected to be much, much larger.

Getting to Tham Nam None Cave

Tham Nam None Cave lies just a couple of km away from Spring River Resort and Khong Lo Cave.  It is one of the options for a day-activity when overnighting in the area, and makes a great little outing when on the Thakhek Loop.

To get there, you need to trek along an old river bed for about 2km from the road.  During the dry season the riverbed may be completely dry, but towards the end of the rainy season (October), the river was flowing, although no more than knee-deep in most places.

Bring a flashlight, a packed lunch and plenty of water, and set off up the river bed for a little exploring.  When exploring caves, it is always best to use a local guide and not go too far in unaccompanied.

Tham Nam None, Khammouane

If you are looking for some more stops along the Thakhek Loop, then try some of these:

– Tham Nang Aen Cave

– Cool Spring

– Phosy Thalang Trekking and Restaurant


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